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Mercredi 13 octobre, 18h-20h, hybride depuis l’Université de Chicago à Paris: “Between Radicalism and Repression: W.E.B. Du Bois, Socialism and Black Liberation”. Séance animée par Grégory Bekhtari (Université Paris Nanterre)
Jeudi 14 octobre, 17h-19h, hybride depuis Sciences Po Lille (9 rue Angellier, 59000 Lille, salle La Boétie): “W.E.B. Du Bois, the Black Scare and the Red Scare, 1917-1954”. Séance animée par Alice Béja (Sciences Po Lille) et Hélène Quanquin (Université de Lille). Pour assister à la conférence à distance, merci d’écrire à: alice.beja@sciencespo-lille.eu
Les deux conférences auront lieu en anglais. Elles ont lieu grâce au soutien de l’Université de Chicago à Paris, de Sciences Po Lille et des laboratoires de recherche CECILLE (Université de Lille), CERAPS (Université de Lille/Sciences Po Lille) et CREA (Université Paris Nanterre).
Presentation (in English)
In the current context of the revival of the term “socialism” in American politics, several academics have sought to revisit the tradition of American socialism, particularly in its relationship with the racial issue, in their works. Beyond the recurring question raised by Werner Sombart at the dawn of the twentieth century, “Why is there no socialism in the United States?”, these works aim to examine the links between race and class, the processes of inclusion or exclusion of African Americans in the struggles led by the left, and the reasons why the tradition of African American socialism remained invisible for so long.
Charisse Burden-Stelly’s work is in keeping with these objectives; in the biography of W.E.B. Du Bois based on new primary sources that she co-authored with Gerald Horne and which was published in 2019, she particularly highlights Du Bois’s political radicalism and how his thought has contributed greatly to the history of socialism and communism in the United States. She is currently working on a new project entitled Black Scare/Red Scare: Antiblackness, Anticommunism, and the Rise of Capitalism in the United States in which she examines the rise of the United States to global hegemony starting in World War I (WWI), which was made possible by its peculiar system of “capitalist racism.”
Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly is currently an Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Political Science at Carleton College. She was the 2020-2021 Visiting Scholar in the Race and Capitalism Project at the University of Chicago. A scholar of political theory, political economy, and intellectual history, Dr. Burden-Stelly is the co-author, with Dr. Gerald Horne, of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Life in American History. Her published work appears in journals including Small Axe, Souls, Du Bois Review, Socialism & Democracy, International Journal of Africana Studies, and the CLR James Journal. She also guest edited the “Claudia Jones: Foremother of World Revolution” special issue of The Journal of Intersectionality. She is a regular contributor to Black Perspectives, the award-winning blog of the African American Intellectual History Society. She is currently working on a book manuscript tentatively titled Black Scare/Red Scare: Antiblackness, Anticommunism, and the Rise of Capitalism in the United States.